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(1 edit)

pls make a save code editor pls

the save code cannot be edited

anyone seen a frog file yet?

I need more :D love that game. Please extend it mate.

(1 edit)

why aren't the buttons to get processing power and download bots doing anything?

If you're having the same problem as me, it's because the prominent number at the top of the screen is not how much currency you have, but your lifetime total — your current purchasing power is displayed below the buttons at the bottom of the screen. (in my case it was scrolled off the screen and I didn't realize for several minutes)

But maybe that's not the issue you were having, in which case, no idea!

yep, that was the problem

Loving this game, really enjoy having it idle in another window while I do other stuff. I've noticed, though, that idling in another window must have some weird hit on the performance or something; I've got the Skip Time hacking module and have upgraded the cooldown so it should be lower than 25 seconds, yet sometimes when i leave the game playing in the background and go back to this window, the module is loading as if I'd just used it even if I haven't checked the game in 10+ minutes or even over an hour


Literally fun

(4 edits) (+2)(-1)

I have an idea on how to make the buttons update more responsively when you can afford to purchase them. It appears to me that they are on a timer, and that's the easy way to do it, but it's not the way that feels the best to the player. Additionally, it'll better on performance!

Do something like this. I am also using ChronoDK's Big class, but I changed the func names. I forget what they were originally called. Also, I am using Godot 3.5. The terminology for signals changed in 4.0.


This is the global variables singleton, assuming you have the credits variable stored in something like that:

var credits: Big
signal credits_gained
signal credits_lost
func add_credits(amount) -> void:
func subtract_credits(amount) -> void:

Now, every time the player earns credits in any way, just call "add_credits". Anytime they spend credits, call "subtract_credits".

Then, on every button, do this:

var cost_to_upgrade: Big
var button_is_bright: bool
func _ready() -> void:
    global_variables_script.connect("credits_gained", self, "credits_gained") 
    global_variables_script.connect("credits_lost", self, "credits_lost")
func credits_gained() -> void:
    if button_is_bright:
        # it is already visually reflecting
        # the fact that the player can buy it
    if global_variables_script.credits.greaterThan(cost_to_upgrade):
func credits_lost() -> void:
    if not button_is_bright:
        # it is already visually reflecting 
        # the fact that the player cannot buy it
    if global_variables_script.credits.lessThan(cost_to_upgrade):
func update_button_can_afford() -> void:
    # this is where you set the modulate or whatever you did to make the button brighter
    button_is_bright = true
func update_button_cannot_afford() -> void:
    # make the button dimmer or whatever
    button_is_bright = false

So what this does is it will only update the button one time, and it will only check if the credits are greaterThan or lessThan one time, too.

Once it is bright, it will STAY that way until the player spends credits, then "credits_lost" is emitted, and every button will check if the player can still afford to buy the thing.


I didn't test any of this, and I obviously don't know how you have your code set up. But it was fun to write anyway.

Fun game!


This took me days, cant not share it : (u<_ u

Deleted post

I just started a new game and it won't let me buy the download bot. I have enough to get it but no matter how many times I click on it it just won't purchase it. Any idea why?


Idk if you check this, but its not Disk Usage, it's credits for upgrades, Disk Usage is "total money". Hope it can help :P


Ah, yeah that was it. That's embarrassing that I didn't even realize that...

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